Monday 20 December 2010


This whole thing with performing with my own lyrics really happened fast. Me and Jan was at an art opening and was asked to participate at Rostrums Free Store Sounds which was going to take place in two weeks. We all had a little bit to drink this evening and boldly declared that we'd perform!
So, we had to make some sort of performance together, fast. We composed five different "pop-songs" with my lyrics, Jan's sculpture sounds, musical instruments and my voice... It was two truly creative weeks!

I already had some unfinished lyrics or poems laying around before this whole thing started but never really knew what to do with it. I have also nourished a wet dream about being in a musical band and to work with lyrics.

I am now continuing working with it trying to make a solo performance and perhaps recordings of it। We'll just see what happens...

Ultimo adios

Ultimo adios
in Spain
a dog a cage

make friends with demons

The price is good

Face fear

unpleasent dreams

Polka dot demon
is licking my face
You catch a fly with your tounge
-it's cute

A face on its ass

-it's an emo pet


Devil's trails

sampled sounds makes the beat

it's a door to a heart
a breakdown a part
of us when we do

abandoned belives

I'll do it I'll do it I'll do it

mothers are made
running down
rainy street
baby's pram

wind in space, dust om face

Martian dust, devil's trails

black moon, baby's face,

charcoal, tidy lace

cat's cry, paw print, black fire, skies are white

bird's heart, baby fish, sudden kiss

a friend of a friend
have a shed you can hide



House of Criminals

House of criminals
I live there now
A haunted house, always night time
with all it's sealed rooms
The big house at the end of the ledge
All the storming nights

All the dusty corridors
I who sleep there
Haunters never rest
The prosecutors of justice
My borrowed rooms
in the house of murderers
They will return at anytime

Rest ashore and all that crap
I'm back on my cliff
Where it's always gusty

spiritual start
intuitive thought
restless longning
itchy hands
haunted heart
sad songs
many cry nights
fire within

The songs are about my trip to Spain some years ago, strange this that happens to you and dreams. Sort of.

I perform under the name Wounded Knee.


  1. nice lyrics. devils trail is my favorite. hilsen

  2. Thanks! There are many more to come...!

  3. Korrektur-Svante slår till:
    with all [it's = nej] sealed rooms
    its ska de vara ju
    Annars gillar jag dina lyrics

  4. Nu har jag kommit på vad du är: En Gothbrud! Fast lite mer farlig än dom där varumärkesinplastade typerna. Kort sagt en self-made gothbrud. Keep up the good work sis
