Thursday, 24 February 2011

More lyrics

Photo: Mattias Ankrah
Angelic boy

I'll put you in my womb
if you don't shut up

inverted world
backward eyes

Lake of dead bodies
black water
Slaves and tar
Stinky swamps

Angelic and
rutten wings
a seductive manboy

O Angelic boy
my head's so heavy
and it smells like
fish skin here

There's no air
and no sun
I wan't to go out
I wan't to go in

I'm tying knots on a black ribbon
Sleep offers no rest

Don't shit where you eat

I asked him if I could play ping pong with his heart
and he said No
and I said: Well, that's the best offer I can make

-go fish...

In every thin, happy person
there's a fat, sad one
Give her a hug
she's a part of you

-don't shit where you eat...

There were times I was so sick of you
and I loved someone else
I couldn't get

That's the conditions of Love
I know
it's not fare
it's not ment to be

-break a leg
and bend over...



I'm capable
so uncapable

I'm dangerous
I'm a hazard

I am reversed
I am both

I can't trust my self
I am the howling fox

Fear me
I fear me

Please lock me up before
I do someting



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