Sunday, 15 May 2011

Two shows in a row

I've had a new show for two Saturdays in a row. Pics from my week:
Taking down one exhibition...

To put up another...

One sweet face next to a not so sweet one..; )

It's funner when there are kids around...

I've used the large window to display the stuff...

NOW I realize just how nasty this pigs head is... When I see it in a pic...

And why o why can't I learn to put on make-up? I need make-up! Lot's!

Anyways, it's real fun, lots of old and new people, lots of sweating going on working with the shows. No need for Zumba-lessons...

Now it's time for rest and then the next big thing; getting the demo-recordings ready and online for my sound performance work. Music, vocals and sounds, here I come... So looking forward to this now. Have a great week and see you next time!!

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